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Rochester Businesses, Are You Struggling to Make an Impact on the Web?

adminOct 4, 20131 min read

Since the beginning of business, marketing has been a crucial part of success, regardless of the field, industry, and service. It started with word of mouth advertising, eventually moving into written print, and, finally, into modern technologies such as radio,…


Three Important Facts about the CTP Exam Benefits and Preparation

adminOct 2, 20131 min read

Did you know that, as of August 2008, almost 20,000 people have taken and passed the Certified treasury professional test? Ctp certification is intended to serve as a marker of financial competency, and it is recognized by respected institutions as…


How Do Credit Card Payments Actually Work?

adminOct 2, 20131 min read

Before you go ahead and open that online shop, are you aware of how processing credit cards works? It is not like your clients or patrons can just fax you over a check. You need to find some sort of…


Why Your Business Needs Social Media Marketing

adminOct 2, 20131 min read

These days, the face of marketing is drastically different than it was 10 years ago. The focus is no longer on TV ads, and magazine spreads. Marketing has a responsibility to move itself to be situated where the people are,…


Top Five Reasons You Should Think About Moving to Suffolk Virginia

adminSep 29, 20131 min read

Sometimes, living in the same city for a long time can become boring and routine. One of the best ways that you can break this cycle of bordem is to pick up and move to a new city. If you…

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