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Don’t Waste Time and Money When Hiring Sales Reps

adminJul 8, 20131 min read

Hiring sales reps that are worth their salt takes some effort and know how. The key is to find the best ones that are energetic enough to follow up on their leads. The statistics show that at least 80 percent…


Dental Treatment to Get Your Perfect Smile

adminJul 8, 20131 min read

Odontophobia is the fear of the dentist. This serious phobia is classified in the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Unfortunately, it can lead people to stay away from getting check ups that are crucial to the health of…


What To Look for in a Good Sales Rep

adminJul 7, 20131 min read

If you are going to be a sales rep the top two qualities that you need the most are patience and perseverance. They have done research that shows that it takes about five sales lead follow ups before a sale…


Coupon Your Way To a Happy Wallet

adminJul 6, 20131 min read

Whether you are an Extreme Couponing watcher or are brand new to couponing, there are several resources for success with a Rochester NY couponing. Rochester provides abundant opportunities for savings no matter how you are looking to save. Food coupons…


Landscape Your Pittsburgh Property to Add Beauty and Value

adminJul 5, 20131 min read

Landscape design can be an important feature to many residents of the Greater Pittsburgh Area. Well thought out landscape design brings beauty, comfort, and a level of uniqueness to each property that truly makes it feel like home in a…

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