So, I know you just moved to Rochester, and you fancy yourself something of a news buff, so I just have to tell you about Channel 13 rochester ny. For Rochester NY Channel 13 is the only news source that matters. Seriously. They are always on top of things. I never have to go anywhere but there for all of the latest and most current news. I am telling you, Rochester Channel 13 has it all.
They are so up to date, I literally just checked their site and they had news stories that were updated only five minutes ago. There is always someone there, posting the latest developments to whatever breaking story is hitting the airwaves. Sure, you can see their news stories on the tv in the morning and at night, but their website has everything, at your fingertips, at all times.
The variety of news found on the Channel 13 Rochester NY website is really its best selling point. The whole front page is dedicated to local, breaking news. With links off to the sides that send you to the other sources of news. You can find sports, weather, top national news and stories, and the crime stoppers page, to name just a few. They have links down on the bottom sending you to Associated Press stories. They are separated by Regional, National and International distinctions, to make your news selection and viewing that much easier.
My favorite part, however, is the unbiased news presentation that you get. They do not try to spin the news in any light, like most news organizations. The news itself is the most important thing for them, and it shows in how dedicated they are to their jobs. You only get unfiltered, pure updates from the best news in the city of Rochester.
i love 13 WHAM. i feel like the anchors are my friend sometimes. I rely on them so much for all of my news
i love 13 WHAM. i feel like the anchors are my friend sometimes. I rely on them so much for all of my news
i love 13 WHAM. i feel like the anchors are my friend sometimes. I rely on them so much for all of my news
i love 13 WHAM. i feel like the anchors are my friend sometimes. I rely on them so much for all of my news
i love 13 WHAM. i feel like the anchors are my friend sometimes. I rely on them so much for all of my news