With the rise of mobile technologies, namely smartphones and tablet computing platforms, people find themselves connected to the digital world more than ever. This makes it easy to stay in touch with friends and family, to keep an eye on our favorite sports teams, and to check to see what the movie times are this coming weekend. These are all fantastic uses of the tech, arguably what it was engineered for. The problem with this technology, beyond the rude behaviors it sometimes produces in traditional social systems, is that it provides businesses with an unneeded headache in the form of possible security breaches.
Consider that 70 percent of smartphone users regularly use the device to check their company email when they are not at work. That correspondence might contain information sensitive to the business like confidential business contacts, contracts, and personnel data. Of those people who use a personal mobile device, that is to say one not provided to them by their company, a third say company data is not secured on their phone.
For companies concerned with iPhone security there exists iPhone enterprise management software. This software provides both iPhone and ipad security, allowing businesses to trace their devices and erase sensitive data in the event they are lost or stolen. The use of this security software for iPhone management is key for any business wanting to protect what is theirs, yet surprisingly many do not use it at all.
Take, for instance, companies that have a bring your own device (BYOD) policy. This allows employees to have a very useful piece of technology for work without the company necessarily having to pay for it. The problem is that of the companies utilizing these policies, only nine percent have a policy and software in place to wipe secure data while keeping the personal intact. Further, 47 percent of companies utilizing BYOD policies say they have had a security breach because of it. This makes the need for mobile device management software, e.g. iphone enterprise management software, very clear indeed.
Imagine the amount of data floating around right now that is just waiting to be stolen, found by prying eyes, and used. If this happens your company could lose technology, business contacts, and client trust. If your business is not utilizing iPhone enterprise management software or a comparable application then you are leaving a huge hole in your security.
BYOD sounds like a scam to me for multiple reasons. 1) It let’s you put data responsibility on all employees instead of IT. 2)It allows you to eat your employees data without paying for it. Ridiculous.
My company BYOD and a management system. Just because it’s BYOD doesn’t mean they won’t pay for it but it also doesn’t mean they will. Hence why the article said, “necessarily have to pay” or whatever.
My company BYOD and a management system. Just because it’s BYOD doesn’t mean they won’t pay for it but it also doesn’t mean they will. Hence why the article said, “necessarily have to pay” or whatever.
My company BYOD and a management system. Just because it’s BYOD doesn’t mean they won’t pay for it but it also doesn’t mean they will. Hence why the article said, “necessarily have to pay” or whatever.
My company BYOD and a management system. Just because it’s BYOD doesn’t mean they won’t pay for it but it also doesn’t mean they will. Hence why the article said, “necessarily have to pay” or whatever.
My company BYOD and a management system. Just because it’s BYOD doesn’t mean they won’t pay for it but it also doesn’t mean they will. Hence why the article said, “necessarily have to pay” or whatever.