Since moving away from our hometown, my brother started his own practice. When we were talking about it, he told me about all the stuff you would never even think of getting, like xray accessories.
Now, if you have never been to a doctor or seen anything about them on TV, an X ray is a type of electromagnetic radiation. The X does not stand for anything in particular, but was rather just added because they were previously unknown. They are part of the practice of radiology, which is the study of images of the human body.
X rays have been popular for years. Back in the day they had not discovered the dangers of ionizing radiation. They used to use it for tons of wild things (and still do) like revealing how there are different versions of the Mona Lisa underneath the original. Now, we have lead aprons, lead glasses, and other kinds of crazy xray accessories.
Of the xray accessories that my brother needed, one thing were these PACS monitors, which replace hard copy based means of managing medical images, such as film archives. These, he hoped, would give him a competitive advantage over his competitors.
What kinds of questions might you have on xray accessories?
Wow its crazy that the Mona Lisa has a lot of different versions of itself underneath it. I mean that is just wild I think. I wonder what they look like and how that exactly works.
Who would have thought that you need accessories to an x ray machine. I mean I figured you needed the lead vests and stuff but I never thought that those were really accessories.
Who would have thought that you need accessories to an x ray machine. I mean I figured you needed the lead vests and stuff but I never thought that those were really accessories.
Who would have thought that you need accessories to an x ray machine. I mean I figured you needed the lead vests and stuff but I never thought that those were really accessories.
Who would have thought that you need accessories to an x ray machine. I mean I figured you needed the lead vests and stuff but I never thought that those were really accessories.
Who would have thought that you need accessories to an x ray machine. I mean I figured you needed the lead vests and stuff but I never thought that those were really accessories.