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Interesting Automobile and Driving Facts for Car Lovers!

adminNov 7, 20131 min read

If you were driving your car non-stop, at 60 miles per hour, you could reach the moon in only 157 days! OK, that fact may be pointless, and completely random, but is interesting to consider. As car lovers, it is…


Outsource Your Social Media Marketing and Get Ready to “like” the Results

adminNov 6, 20131 min read

In the early days of the internet, not that long ago, all businesses could really do to take advantage of the internet was to have website in place. Today, for better or for worse, internet marketing is much more sophisticated.…


Wearing a Memory with Pandora Jewelry

adminNov 4, 20131 min read

If you have dealt with buying a gift for a fashionable or otherwise meticulous recipient then you know just how hard it can be to find the perfect gift. Often jewelry is chosen as the perfect solution to holidays, anniversaries…


Why to Blog and How It Will Help Your Brain

adminNov 4, 20131 min read

The first blogs began in the late 1990s with a wing a prayer and some half decent web design based solely around developing a voice and hitting send. Now a decade and a half later blogs are one of the…


Fun Facts about Garage Doors

adminNov 4, 20131 min read

If you own a garage, then chances are you also have a garage door. Garage doors go as far back as 450 BC. They were originally used to protect chariots in gatehouses in the ancient world. In the United States,…

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