How Does Professional Teeth Whitening Work? – Health and Fitness Tips

Treatment can cause cracking. To safeguard your teeth against the gel chemicals, the dentist inserts a retractor into your mouth. After that, they cover the glands with gauze and then apply a liquid substance to the gums. The gel is then set by a blue UV light. The whitener is ready to be placed.

The whitening solution is put on your teeth, then a blue light guide is placed in your mouth for 15 minutes. The process can repeat for up to three times, based on the recommendations of your dentist.

After your appointment, sensitivity can be expected in your mouth However, sensitivity that is present in your gums, could mean the gums were not protected from the whitening agents and you should tell your dentist as soon as you notice any changes.

With its incredible result, professional dental whitening has gained more popularity. Call your dentist today to inquire about whether in-office teeth whitening is for you!


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