What A Typical Neurological Rehabilitation Center Looks Like – FATA Online

rehabilitation coordinators from Sinai Hospital, Eva Warschawski-Gonsher leads a tour around Sinai Hospital’s Louis as well as the Phyllis Friedman Neurological Rehabilitation Center on a video that was uploaded to the “LifeBridge Health” YouTube channel.

The center has the “home transition apartment” where patients are able to gain an idea of what life can be like when they are discharged from hospital. The kitchen in the Home Transition Apartment is equipped with the essential kitchen equipment needed to prepare food. There’s a bedroom equipped with beds that are standard, similar to the one that many customers will can find at home. The making of beds, folding laundry or using drawers is just a few of the many everyday tasks that guests at the facility are required to do in this facility.

For patients, the facility operates as a grocery store. Children develop the ability to participate in the community by doing tasks on their own, like grocery shopping.

In addition, the facility is equipped with everything the need to depart the hospital to return to their regular routine.


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