What to Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

Mini dental implant

No two sets of teeth are the same. This is why so many people live with imperfect smiles. There are those of us that were fortunate enough to get orthodontic work done at an early age, but not all problems are that simple.

Dental hygiene has come a long way. The epitome of taking care of your teeth in ancient Greco Roman times incorporated crushed bone and oyster shells. Despite the advances that have been made since then, tooth loss is still a problem we have to deal with. These days, though, instead of just dealing with it, there are options to return your smile to normal.

Cosmetic dental work comes in many forms. It can cover anything from teeth whitening to mini dental implant surgery. When trying to find a cosmetic dentist, make sure you know what you are getting. Mini dental immplants act as replacements for your teeth, but if you simply need to do something about the surface of your teeth, consider a porcelain veneer or shell that covers the front of them. These take 1 to 8 weeks to create in a lab as each one is custom to your teeth. Once they are put in place they feel exactly like the real thing. Eventually, you may even forget which ones have had the work done.

Our teeth are a part of our lives from as early on as six weeks after conception. We have to learn to take care of them, which is easier than ever, given all the advancements in dental care, but not everything can be fixed with a toothbrush. Having a straight, complete smile boosts confidence and can even lead to better career opportunities. Two thirds of people seeking cosmetic dental treatments are female, but these treatments can benefit anyone and everyone. Read more.

6 comments on “What to Know About Cosmetic Dentistry

  1. I got invisalign when I was in my late 20s, braces werent really an option when I was growing up. It was great because no one could tell when I had them in and I could take them out to eat. Plus, they didnt even hurt.

  2. I got invisalign when I was in my late 20s, braces werent really an option when I was growing up. It was great because no one could tell when I had them in and I could take them out to eat. Plus, they didnt even hurt.

  3. I got invisalign when I was in my late 20s, braces werent really an option when I was growing up. It was great because no one could tell when I had them in and I could take them out to eat. Plus, they didnt even hurt.

  4. I got invisalign when I was in my late 20s, braces werent really an option when I was growing up. It was great because no one could tell when I had them in and I could take them out to eat. Plus, they didnt even hurt.

  5. I got invisalign when I was in my late 20s, braces werent really an option when I was growing up. It was great because no one could tell when I had them in and I could take them out to eat. Plus, they didnt even hurt.

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